Monday, May 18, 2020

Spring Growth and Renewal Is Not Just for Nature

spring growth renewal refresh new season change transformation better you

The winter months are officially behind us, and SPRING has sprung.  All fussy springtime snowstorms or unseasonable heat waves aside, spring was made official on Monday.  We are always happy for spring’s arrival for so many reasons; the budding trees, the greening grass, and the slowly warming weather are so wonderful.  But what we really love is the spirit of renewal and growth that comes with spring. 


If you take a minute to look around and notice the transformation happening around you, you can’t help but be in awe.  In fact, we think that nature can be a really great source of inspiration for your own springtime renewal and growth.  Let’s take some cues from nature, and see how we can SPRING into action. 

  1. New blossoms and buds.  See that tree over there?  Right now it’s churning with its efforts to create new leaves and longer branches.  What we see on the surface is only a fraction of the miracle that’s happening inside.  We can be like that, too – constantly planning new ways to grow and produce, and our heads always churning with new life and ideas. 
  2. Winter coats, buh-bye.  We should do as well as the animals shedding their thick fur coats.  They’ve got the right idea – why carry around what will only make you hot, confined, and uncomfortable during the summer?  Maybe your extra is a few pounds of your own “winter coat” that need to be shed through exercise and healthier eating.  Or perhaps your extra involves a relationship that needs to be gently released.  Your extra could even be a bad habit that’s been weighing you down.  Examine what’s been feeling heavy and unnecessary, and consider whether it’s something you can shed this spring.
  3. Speaking of animals . . . they’re waking up.  Similar to the bear that’s been out of commission for a few months, maybe you have some waking up to do.  Like maybe you can stand to wake up to gratitude about being so blessed.  Or maybe you can wake up to the fact that it’s time for a change.  Or, in a more literal sense, perhaps it would be good for you to wake up a little earlier each morning.  Starting the day with some quiet time for prayer, meditation, or soul-nourishing reading could be a game-changer with how you feel for the rest of the day.
  4. Babies abound (awwwww).  Many animals have mating cycles that bring about an influx of new births around this time of year.  Babies – be they human, bird, or mammal – have a way of making us want to be a little gentler, speak a little more softly, and smile a little more.  And, really, who in our lives wouldn’t benefit from us adopting those habits on more permanent basis?
  5. And then there’s the rain.  Nature just knows that come this time of year, some additional moisture is in order.  How else to feed and fuel all of the new life waking up and developing?  And as for you – how’s your own water intake?  Without proper hydration, your brain function, energy level, immune system, digestive system, and temperature regulation all suffer.  Knock back a few extra glasses every day to keep you properly fueled and performing at your best.


Can Massage Help Relieve My Springtime Allergies?

springtime allergies relief natural remedy massage therapy sneezing coughing sick

The stuffy nose.  The itchy eyes.  The constant scratchy throat.   The way your conversations with co-workers have been reduced to caveman-like grunts of allergy definers. 

Them: “(Snort) Tree pollen.” 

You: “(Hack) Ahh.  Grasses and mold.”

Them: “Allergy pills?”

You: “Nah, nose spray.”


Our wildly warm winter, while so lovely to experience while it was happening, has led to a whopper of an allergy season.  It triggered earlier-than-normal symptoms, and has caused a greater concentration of allergens in some areas.  Dr. Clifford Basset, founder and director at the Allergy and Asthma Care of New York also blames the higher environmental allergy count on climate change.  “[Climate change] is causing more carbon dioxide in our environment, which in turn tells a lot of plants to produce more pollen, and the pollen itself is more supercharged and more powerful."


Allergies can manifest themselves in a variety of ways, from a sore throat and congestion, to hives and overall itchiness.  They develop when a person’s immune system mistakenly identifies a certain environmental substance as a threat, and reacts accordingly by producing Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to fight off the perceived offender.  This, in turn, tells the body to produce histamines and other chemicals that cause allergy symptoms.


While over the counter medication options can provide help, massage can be a valuable, all-natural tool when it comes to allergy relief.


  • Massage helps encourage circulation and lymphatic drainage all throughout the body.  Specifically, allergy sufferers might especially find relief with massage work that focuses on lymph nodes in the neck and face.  Also, certain facial massage techniques can encourage the drainage and decongestion of sinuses. 


  • Did you know that stress can make your already annoying allergies even worse?  When you’re stressed, your body releases additional histamines, prompting even greater allergy symptoms.  Receiving a massage can lower the stress hormone cortisol, making you feel a lot better, both physically and emotionally.


  • There are even spots in your feet that, when worked on by your massage therapist, can trigger healing in the parts of your body affected by allergies.  Through our Integrative Reflexology program, your therapist can use the ancient healing practice of reflexology to encourage allergy relief.  For example, an area near the balls of your feet are linked to your lungs, a point near the tip of your big toes are connected to your sinuses, and an area on the undersides of your second and third toes are linked to your eyes. 


Benefits of Swimming as Exercise

swimming exercise hearth health in shape health and wellness swim pool water

As you’ve gotten older, we’re guessing your definition of “swimming” has changed a little.  When you were a toddler, swimming meant splashing around with plastic watering cans and arm floaties.  As a school-aged kid swimming became a little more serious, with some lessons or swim team thrown into the mix.  And now, as an adult, what does swimming look like to you?  If you’re like a lot of adults, “going swimming” means arriving at the pool, possibly wearing a swimming suit, and sitting pool-adjacent while enjoying the sun and a juicy magazine. 


As lovely as pool loungers can be, we’d like to encourage you to think again about real swimming, and just why you might want to incorporate it into your fitness routine. So here are our top 5 reasons to start swimming again.  Really swimming.


  1. Your joints like it.  Because you only bear about 10% of your weight in the water, swimming offers a cardio workout without the wear and tear on your body that you might find with running or playing sports.  As long as your doctor agrees, swimming can be a great exercise option for those with arthritis or heart conditions.  Also, some people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis find exercising in water to be good for building strength and balance under the guidance of their doctor.  And, as heat sensitivity is common in patients with MS, they might find relief in the coolness of pool water. 
  2. Your muscles like it.  Given the great resistance that water provides, simply moving through water can tone and strengthen muscles.  Add in swimming powerful strokes for 30 minutes at a time, and you’ve got an effective muscle-building workout, no weights or equipment needed.  In fact, swimming works an impressively high number of major muscle groups including your arms, back, legs, glutes, and core, making it an effective full-body workout.
  3. Your bedtime likes it.  Like most aerobic exercise, swimming can improve the quality of your sleep.  This is because exercise acts as a stressor on the body, one that the body needs to compensate for later with deeper sleep.  Exercise such as swimming also releases endorphins which can help lower stress and depression, leading to a clearer and happier mind come nighttime. 
  4. Speaking of depression, your mood likes it.  Exercise has been shown in studies to improve self-esteem, elevate the mood, and have a calming effect.  Plus, as you get more confident in swimming and learn more about how to do various strokes and turns well, this, too, can have a dramatic effect on your mood and level of self-confidence.  One study published in Psychosomatic Medicine in 2011 found that regular exercise can help ward off panic attacks in those suffering from anxiety.
  5. Your waistline likes it.  Of course, any kind of exercise can help manage weight if paired with a healthy diet.  However, swimming can be especially good for weight control in that it provides both cardiovascular and strength-training, all in one workout.  Aerobic exercise can burn a high level of calories, while building muscles can help ensure that your metabolism stays nice and high.


Thursday, May 7, 2020

Sweet & Spicy: 5 ways cinnamon can rock your (massage) world

So is there a better spice than cinnamon?

It’s the “tough love” of the spice cabinet. It is spicy but when added to a little sweetness, it packs a punch that makes your taste buds go crazy.

And as luck would have it, it also has some fantastic health benefits too!

Here are 5:


    Cinnamon increases blood circulation, which generally boosts metabolism and therefore could be helpful in weight loss. Its blood-thinning property also helps cinnamon act as an anti-clotting agent, especially for those suffering from heart disease.


    Several studies have found cinnamon may help people with insulin resistance, so many Type 2 diabetics take it to control their blood sugar variations.


    Within minutes of your first round of sniffles or an itch in your throat, Cinnamon Tea is said to put an immediate halt to any impending illness.


    Cinnamon contains compounds called catechins, which help relieve nausea. The volatile oil in cinnamon bark may also help the body to process food by breaking down fats during digestion.


    Cinnamon is a well-known warming agent and when added to an oil, it can relieve muscle pain and aid in relaxation. Cinnamon is considered a pain-killer due to its prostaglandin-inhibiting action.You can even put a few drops in a warm bath to soothe tired muscles.

Why Massage and Men's Health are Meant to be

Men's health week father's day dad self care

Men, now it’s your turn.  May was heavy with flowery Mother’s Day brunches, celebratory graduations, and emotional end-of-school-year events.  This month is all about you.  Not only is this Sunday Father’s Day, but right now we’re in the middle of National Men’s Health week.  It’s a great opportunity to take stock of how well you’re doing paying attention to your health and wellness.  What – you’re not used to doing this?  Well it turns out you’re not alone.  In fact, in a Cleveland Clinic study found that the men surveyed would rather talk about almost anything than their health. Favorite conversation topics included current events (36%), sports (32%), and their career (32%).  Way down on the list of tolerable talk topics was their own health, weighing in at 7%. 


Many experts believe that this phenomenon, and the fact that a full third of American men refuse to get regular medical checkups, is because many men feel that they are invincible, or are too proud to seek medical attention, therefore avoiding the need to seek out wellness.  These are rather ridiculous philosophies, of course, as taking care of oneself is equally important for both genders for treatment of current issues, and the prevention and detection of future ones. 


If you are a man, or know a man, who fits into the “I’m too cool to think about my health” mold, we’d like to suggest that an Elements massage is the perfect “health care without seeming like health care” practice. If you are a man, or know a man, who is uncomfortable talking or thinking about their health, an Elements massage is the perfect way to take care of your body. Not only can massage soothe tired muscles strained by your job, hobbies, or weekend activities, but it can help prevent a number of health-related concerns.


For one, massage can lower blood pressure, which is significant considering that 1 in 3 adults are affected with this.  In fact, until age 65, high blood pressure affects way more men than women.  If left unchecked, high blood pressure is linked to heart attacks, stroke, and kidney disease.


Also, massage can be an effective stress reducer.  A full 9% of men report experiencing daily depression, a wellness practice that can help fight this phenomenon is valuable indeed.  Of course, depressive symptoms should always be reported to, and monitored by, a doctor.  However, massage can be an important accompanying tool that can be used to help manage feelings of depression. 


Lastly, if your back is aching, massage may be just what’s needed.  If your doctor supports it, then we suggest letting an Elements Massage therapist in on any back (or neck, or leg) pain.  Massage therapists can often fix not only the hurting areas of the body, but also tackle and release the source of the pain.  Through lengthening muscles and breaking up knotted areas and improving circulation to the sore spots, the Elements Massage therapist can gradually help even chronic pain to become more manageable.  Try scheduling a few sessions, 2-3 weeks apart at first, to tackle the painful trouble spots. 


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Can Massage Help Improve My Running?

massage running active fitness health and wellness race injury prevention

With the delightfully warm weather outside, do you find yourself itching to tie up your running shoes and hit the trail?  If so, you’re not alone.  In fact, in the US alone one in every ten adults runs for exercise.  And it’s for good reason; running is a relatively inexpensive mode of exercise, it burns a high number of calories, and it is terrific cardio exercise.  If you’ve never tried to run for exercise, OR if you’ve dabbled in jogging before and have since sworn it off, we encourage you to give it a shot.  Not only do our tastes and preferences tend to change over time, but our bodies can change too, and perhaps your body and mind might now be more receptive to running.  Given that June 7th is National Running Day, we thought we’d explore how running impacts the body, and how massage can be a runner’s best friend.


If you’ve never considered massage as a running necessity, consider that out of all those millions of runners in our country, 40-80% sustain an injury at least once per year.  The most-common injuries? Achilles tendonitis (when the tendon at the back of your heel tightens and becomes irritated), hamstring strain, iliotibial band syndrome (the tightening of that fussy IT band that runs from your hip to your knee on the outside of your thigh), and knee issues top the list. If not properly cared for, these injuries can put a wannabe runner out of commission for weeks, or even months. 


Given how commonplace running-induced injuries can be, it’s just common sense to take steps to keep your body in primed shape with massage, especially given all of its other benefits, too.  Here’s exactly how massage can help:

  • When you pull, tear, or otherwise strain muscles, as is common in running, you can develop scar tissue.  When a muscle undergoes stress it can develop tears.  The surrounding muscles band together to protect that area, leading to painful knots and muscle scar tissue.  Massage can reduce scar tissue and heal muscle adhesions, leading to less soreness and greater muscle movement.
  • Even if you don’t get an actual injury, the very act of running – repetitive and sustained muscle work – makes you a candidate for tight muscles and poor circulation.  Massage can effectively improve and increase the quality and level of circulation, and can soothe and loosen muscles, decreasing your chance of strains and injuries.
  • Have a race coming up?  Whether it’s a neighborhood Fun Run, a 5k, or a full marathon, be sure to add a massage appointment into your training schedule.  Getting a massage from Elements Massage before a race can reduce muscle tension, give your serotonin and endorphins a boost to increase your confidence, and improve your immune system to help prevent a pre-race illness. 
  • The fact that massage can reduce inflammation makes a post-run massage a great tool for making sure your muscles heal quickly and properly.  And, the better you feel after your run, the sooner you’ll be ready to hit the pavement again and again.


Be sure to discuss your running routine with your massage therapist so he or she can concentrate on your most-worked or most-vulnerable areas.  Taking proper prevention and care can help to ensure a long and healthy season of running and exercising, for many National Running Days to come.


Monday, May 4, 2020

How Massage Can Help You Get Ready for Summer

Summer massage active sore muscles self care

Weekend Warrior, summer is here, and come Saturday, you want to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.  Whether you’re gardening, hiking, playing a sport, or hosting friends and family for a meal on the patio, you plan to soak up as much summer fun as you can.  Whatever summer finds you doing, massage can be the perfect accompaniment to all of your summer activities, and is a key element to keeping your body healthy.  Here are the top 5 reasons you need regular massages this summer.

  1. Because it’s tennis or softball or Frisbee or water skiing or hiking or biking season, and as impressive as your athletic prowess is (or not)- these activities are sure to put a bit of strain on your muscles. Making regular massage a priority can help make sure your playing season isn’t cut even shorter by a strained muscle.  Not only does receiving massage after exertion help fight inflammation, but massage can actually help prevent the likelihood of hurting your muscles in the first place by keeping your muscles lengthened and more fluid.
  2. Because you hate having ankles as round as your thighs.  If the heat makes your feet, ankles, or hands swell, after consulting your doctor, massage should be on your short list of to-dos.  Receiving massage can help drain the lymph nodes all over your body, encouraging the movement of waste material and blood flow.  The fact that this process can also help boost your immune system is an added bonus, because nothing shuts down summer fun faster than summer sickness.
  3. Because your kids are now around – like, ALL the time (and they’re always hungry), or you have the relatives coming in town to stay with you, or your job ramps up big time in the summer months.  Let’s face it – as lovely as summer is, it can leave you feeling stressed.  The good news for you is that massage can be really effective at reducing the stress hormone cortisol, lowering blood pressure, and reducing heart rate.  With the extra time you have around these loved ones during the summer, don’t you want to be at your very relaxed and happiest?
  4. Because “you time” shouldn't be put on hold just because it’s summer.  Yes, you’re busy.  Yes, you have trips planned and family visiting and outdoor hobbies to take your time.  However, making yourself a priority should remain just as important during these summer months.  With your kids around more, you’re showing them just how important self-care is.
  5. Because your to-do list is intimidatingly long.  We’re guessing that you’ve got your share of mowing, gardening, painting, landscaping, or cleaning to do.  Massage not only feels great, it is like medicine for your muscles and tendons, minus the actual medicine.   Not that we recommend that you replace your regular medical care with massage, but if massage allowed you to take fewer over-the-counter pain management pills, wouldn’t it be worth it?  Plus, after all of your hard work, you definitely deserve a soothing massage.

Uncovering Your Massage FAQs

massage frequently asked questions massage therapy pamper relax

Massage is like meditation, exercise, or any other wellness activity – from the outside it might seem weird, awkward, and not all that pleasant; but once you try it, you’re absolutely hooked.  With massage, especially, the element of mystery and misinformation tends to run especially strong.  Because of this, and because we’re confident that massage can likely enrich and improve your overall wellbeing, we want to unveil some of the mystery of massage.  Here, we introduce and uncover some massage FAQ’s, so read on, and wonder no more.

  • What can I expect during my massage appointment? 
After you check in for your appointment, your massage therapist will lead you to a quiet and comfortable massage room where he or she will ask you about any questions, medical conditions, problem areas of your body, or requests you have.  After that he or she will leave the room while you undress to your level of comfort, and lie down on the massage table.  During the massage the room will be slightly darkened, and there will likely be soothing music playing while the therapist works on each part of your body.  You can converse or not; whatever makes you relaxed and comfortable.

  • Speaking of getting undressed – do I have to?  Does everyone?
You don’t have to get undressed all of the way.  It’s your choice.  But if you’re getting a full-body massage, you might want to – most people do.  For example, women, if you wear your bra during a massage, it can interfere with any work done on your shoulders or back.  Because some muscles run the entire expanse of the back, having access to the entire area allows more thorough work.  However, your massage therapist will be able to work with whatever choice you make regarding clothing.  Do keep in mind that most of your body will be covered by a sheet at all times, with only the parts being worked on uncovered. 

  • I’m embarrassed about a certain area of my body.
Therapists are focused on the feel and condition of your muscles, joints, and ligaments, and not whether your toes are oddly-shaped.  However, you are always welcome to ask him or her to avoid a certain area during a massage if it makes you feel more comfortable.

  • Let’s talk money – do I tip?  If so, how much?
You’re welcome to tip your massage therapist, but it’s not mandatory.  Many people tip 15-20%, depending on their level of satisfaction.  Things to consider include how attentive and responsive your therapist was to your needs, and the length of your massage.  Again, it’s your call.

  • Will I be sore afterwards?
You might, especially if your muscles aren’t used to massage.  It’s perfectly normal to be a little sore over the next day or two following your massage. If you find that an area of your body is extremely painful after a massage, or if your soreness lasts beyond three days, be sure to check in with your doctor about it, and definitely let your massage therapist know so he or she can work accordingly at your next massage.

How Massage Helps You Have Your Best Golf Game

golfing golf massage wellness self care muscles playing golf

The saying goes that the worst day of golf beats the best day of work.  This is a presumably popular sentiment, as golf continues to capture the hearts, minds, and free time of people of all ages, with all skill levels, from hundreds of countries around the world.  For many, there is no better way to enjoy a sunny morning than on the manicured greens (or, possibly, in the rough . . .), club in hand, with a friend or three, traversing the 18 holes of a golf course.  And as August happens to be National Golf Month, we thought we’d take this opportunity to discuss why golf really is good for you, and how to make sure your body allows you to have the best golf game you can.  Shank shots notwithstanding.

  • The Good
If your sore muscles the day after a round are any inclination, golf can be a pretty good form of exercise.  Throughout the round you’re giving your core muscles (abdominals, glutes, back, and hips) a workout, as well as strengthening your upper body  by swinging your clubs  and in some cases carrying them yourself.  Your chest and forearms get taxed, as well.  And, if you’re the hard-core type and decide to walk the 18 holes?  You’re logging about 5 miles per round.  Nice work.

  • What to Watch
If you’re going into your round with rigid muscles, or if you’re not properly conditioned, you can fall victim to some common golf-related injuries.  From straining the lower back, to shoulder injuries, to neck strain, golf can either exacerbate existing sore areas, or create new ones.  If your stance is off, you could develop strained tendons in your ankle or foot.  The dreaded “golfer’s elbow” is a painful swelling or irritation of the outer or inner tendons of the elbow.  

  • What to Do
Because much of golf involves a lot of repetitive motion, metabolic waste can build up around those muscles that are repeatedly taxed.  This can cause pain and poor flexibility in those muscles, which are two things you definitely do not want as part of your golf game.  Also, many injuries occur during a round of golf because of already-tight muscles that are flexed and strained during the swing.  To keep muscles loose, healthy and fluid, regular massage therapy is a great way to practice preventative care during golf season.  Your massage therapist can concentrate on the muscles in your neck, back, arms, hips, and glutes to help ensure that your muscles are loosened, more flexible, and lengthened.  He or she can also pay special attention to the muscles that help support good posture, which is an important part of your golf stance.

Massage therapy is great for helping to facilitate mental focus and decreasing stress and anxiety as well.  Because going into a round of golf  already stressed can lead to a very long and unpleasant 18 holes, especially after a couple of your favorite golf balls end up in the lake.

If you pay some visits to your massage therapist before and after your games, it may end up being your best month of golf ever. 

Is Massage Beneficial for Senior Citizens?

Aging massage elderly senior citizen healthy massage therapy healing

Senior citizens continue to be the fastest-growing age set, and will account for a fifth of our population by 2020.  This population shift is causing health care practices of all kinds to work to ensure that they are equipped to care for this influx of senior citizens.

Although we’ve discussed before how vitally important massage is for everyone, you might not realize just how beneficial massage can be for the most aged among us.

  • Massage can help ease joint stiffness by loosening and lengthening the tendons and muscles connected to the joint.  It can also help alleviate pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis.  In fact, there are two types of massage that have been proven in studies to ease RA pain: myofascial release (this involves longer, sustained pressure on certain areas of the body to break up any tightened connective tissue), and moderate pressure massage

  • Have you ever noticed that many senior citizens tend to heal more slowly, and take longer to recover from a pulled or strained muscle?  This is because cells as we age become more compromised and less able to aid in healing, and because of elevated levels of inflammation that is common in seniors.  Massage can help speed healing by inhibiting inflammation and promoting production of mitochondria, which helps muscles recover.

  • Last year the Center for Disease Control estimated that nearly 7 million Americans over the age of 65 experience depression.  Of course, mental health issues should always be brought to the attention of a doctor.  And as a supplement to mental health treatment, massage can be a helpful and effective piece of a depression treatment program.  Massage can increase the levels of “feel good” hormones in the body, leading to increased feelings of wellbeing.  Also, the physical touch component of massage can bring peace and promote comfort.

  • Did you know that massage can reduce agitation levels in those with Alzheimer’s?  Studies conducted in 1995 and in 2008 on patients with Alzheimer’s found that levels of pacing, resisting, and wandering were decreased both immediately after back or hand massage, as well as an hour later.

  • Get better sleep.  For a variety of reasons, senior citizens seem to suffer from poorer sleep overall.  Massage can be effective at improving the quality of sleep by increasing serotonin, which in turn increases melatonin, which helps regulate sleep cycles.

Chances are that you know a senior, or are a senior, who could benefit from receiving massages on a regular basis.  If you have specific concerns about the techniques and methods utilized for senior citizens, give us a call.  We’ll be happy to discuss providing wellness to the most aged, and deserving, segment of our population.

Can Massage Relieve Headaches?

It’s clear that, as a whole, we need SOMETHING to deal with our headaches, considering that an estimated 80-90% of the population will experience tension headaches, and 17% of us will experience migraines. In fact, as a nation, headaches are our most commonly talked-about ailment. Over the counter medications can help, but they have a batch of possible side effects of their own with the most common being gastrointestinal issues. And in some cases, drugs like acetaminophen and aspirin can cause rebound headaches that come back with a vengeance as soon as the medication wears off, requiring more and more medication for the same temporary pain relief.

So is massage an effective headache help?

For tension headaches specifically, many studies report that massage can be a very effective tool to help decrease both the pain and the need for medication. This makes sense, considering that with tension headaches the muscles in the head and neck contract and cause pain. Massage can help to loosen and lengthen these muscles, causing a dramatic reduction in headache pain. Specifically, many people report feeling a great deal of headache relief when pressure is placed on the suboccipital area, which at the base of the skull, generally directly between your two ears.  Other headache relief hotspots include your jaw, your shoulders, and even your hips.
Migraines, on the other hand, are thought of to be the result of the trigeminal nerve getting over excited. When this happens, it causes the release of neurotransmitters, which cause the surrounding blood vessels to enlarge. These blood vessels start pulsating, causing the brain to interpret the sensation as pain. And if you’re a migraine sufferer, you’re all too familiar with the extent and intensity of the pain that comes with it that can lead to missed days of work and compromised time with loved ones.
It so happens that massage can help migraine pain as well. One study conducted at the University of Miami School of Medicine found that migraine sufferers, when allowed massage treatment in addition to their medication routine, not only experienced no migraine headaches during the course of the multi-week study, but they also slept more soundly.
You may know that massage helps relax tense muscles that can lead to migraine pain, but you might not realize that massage also helps regulate hormones and improve circulation; both of which play a significant role in those who experience migraines.
If you experience tension headaches or migraines, talk with your massage therapist about where your headache seems to originate, how often you’re getting them, and what you’re currently doing to treat them. He or she might be able to lessen the intensity of and frequency of your head pain, and reduce your need for medication. And, as always, consult your doctor before using massage as a treatment for your headaches.

Frightening Fables Regarding Massage

myths about massage

Do you like to be scared? It’s estimated that around half of us genuinely enjoy scary-but-safe situations. With Halloween creeping up around the corner, you might have your mind set on haunted houses and your favorite horror films (and not to mention the scary amount of Halloween candy you’ve already eaten). However, as brave as you are, you might have fallen victim to a few of the scariest myths about massage. The idea of massage carries with it a few misconceptions that can keep even the heartiest of souls headed for the hills, and far away from our studio. Have you fallen for any of these fearsome falsities?
  • Petrified about pain
    If the Hollywood depictions of massage being painful have you concerned, we don’t blame you. The truth is that the pressure of massage is only as deep as you want it to be. We employ many different massage types; including Swedish, hot stone, deep tissue, and more, with many degrees of pressure that are possible within each one. Your massage therapist will check in with you regularly during your massage, and ask for your feedback regarding your comfort level. Also, you can speak up any time to have him or her adjust as necessary.
  • Nervous about Nudity
    Scared about being buck-naked in front of a total stranger? Yeah, we don’t blame you. In actuality, your massage therapist won’t ever see your entire body. We keep your private parts draped with a sheet throughout the entire massage, and only uncover your arms, legs, and back as we work on them. Don’t want your glutes worked on? No problem. Want us to steer clear of your ticklish feet? It’s your call. With our Youtopia philosophy, the nature and details of your massage are up to you.  (p.s. by the way, if you want to leave some clothing on during your massage, you can do that, too. Some folks opt to leave on their undergarments, and we can work around that. Just let your therapist know what makes you feel the most comfortable.)
  • Dreading the dollars
    Think that massage is purely a luxury afforded only by the wealthy? It makes sense to be proactive by caring for your tightened muscles, high levels of stress, poor circulation, and poor quality of sleep with massage. It makes sense that taking these steps now could save you time at the doctor, money on medications, and worse health problems down the road. And besides, wouldn’t you rather spend your resources getting pampered on a massage table, than sitting in a doctor’s waiting room?

How Can I Practice Essentialism?

Do you ever feel like you have too much? It can be an embarrassingly unique problem in our land of plenty in the United States, and yet so many of us live in a spirit of excess. This is a notion efficiently demonstrated by the fact that while the size of the average American home has nearly tripled over the last 50 years, there remains enough offsite rentable self-storage space for every adult and child in the US to have their very own 7.3 square feet.
Similarly, how many times have you found yourself in a juggling act, trying to keep a hundred balls in the air with work, family, health and appearance, volunteer commitments, social engagements, and friends? All the while you know that at any moment the balls could all come crashing down to your feet; the feet, mind you, that have seen neither a pedicure nor the recommended 10,000 steps in a very, very long time.
If all of this makes you want to start paring down your life monk-style and start living more simply, you might be ready for a lesson in essentialism. In case you’re not familiar with it, living with a spirit of essentialism means that you take a focused look on the most important and significant areas of your life, and allow the other stuff to fade away.  In a nutshell, essentialism is doing less, but better. If you’re interested in venturing down the essentialism road, we have a few ideas.
  • Tidy up, yes. There has been a lot of buzz over the last few years regarding paring down belongings to create more space and less clutter. The attention is deserved. Clean out, and clean out with a vengeance, not merely “getting rid of stuff you don’t want,” but choosing to keep only what is essential.
  • Slow down. Once in a while, pack up the family and head downtown or to a park, and just hang out. See what mood hits you, and follow it. Want to rent paddle boats? Great! Want to visit some shops you’ve never been in? Do it! Feel like playing Frisbee and lying back to enjoy the clouds? Even better. This practice will help you and the essential people in your life to get to know each other a little better, and appreciate each other more.
  • Get more bang for your buck. Your time and resources are limited, and whatever you choose to spend time doing should be worth it. With your health, you’d be hard-pressed to find a more turbo-loaded practice than massage. Your massage appointment can help improve your body, mind, and overall wellness in such a wide array of areas, all while giving you that quiet 60 or 90 minutes to collect your thoughts and quiet your soul. With your body and mind essentials taken care of, you’ll be able to let other time- and money-consuming practices go.
  • Just say no. Really. If you politely decline to attend a few social gatherings or opportunities to volunteer or activities for you or your family, things will be just fine. In fact, they’ll likely be much better, even. Most of what we spend our free time doing is not essential, and if you choose to create a little more space in your schedule to give you and your family time for enjoyable leisure activities, you’ll find that your household is a more relaxed, happier environment.
Removing the excess items from your life and letting only the essentials remain is a life-long practice, and you may never get “there” or even close. But even baby steps in this direction can make a surprisingly large difference in how you feel. Start with a goal to clear your schedule of one unessential time commitment on a regular basis. Next, tackle the nonessential items in a few closets. And then, keep on going with your essentialism practice. We’re guessing that doing these things will lead to more energy, less stress, and a healthy life-long habit of essentialism.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

5 Reasons Why You Need Better Sleep, Now

If you remember, last week we talked about the different ways that massage can improve and promote sleep. Thank goodness it can! Because while we delved a little bit into what effect sleep deprivation can have on the body and mind, we barely scratched the surface. There is much more to be said about how sleep, or lack thereof, negatively affects the body. And considering that the average sleep duration for adults has gone down 1.5-2 hours in the last 50 years, it might be time for a sleep overhaul.
It’s easy to take sleep for granted, and even be okay with sacrificing it. Heck, when you were younger it was considered an admirable goal to pull an all-nighter. How many times did you beg your parents for a later bedtime? Well, they say that with age comes wisdom, and we wanted to pass along the top 5 reasons why you NEED to get the best possible sleep you can, starting tonight.
  1. Your heart needs it. European Heart Journal published a study in 2011 that followed 475,000 “short sleepers” (or those who averaged 6 hours of sleep or less) for several years. These participants had a 48% increased chance of developing or dying from coronary heart disease, and a 15% risk of developing or dying from a stroke.
  2. Your brain needs it. While you sleep, your brain is hard at work preparing new pathways to help you remember and learn. Lack of sleep has been shown in studies to cause similar slowed reaction time to those who are intoxicated, as well as cause more work-related errors. Getting an appropriate amount of sleep can also help you be more proficient at learning a new task, make decisions, and be creative.
  3. Your healthy lifestyle needs it. Did you know that when deprived of sleep, your body produces the hormone ghrelin which can send hunger signals to your brain, making you think you need food when you might not? It also suppresses the hormone leptin which lets your brain know you’re full. Because of this, those who experience lack of sleep on a regular basis have a higher risk for obesity.
  4. Your relationships need it. In a romantic relationship, when one or both partners are sleep-deprived, there tends to be less humor, less happiness, and an increase in conflict.
Lack of sleep can affect friendships as well, in that the pal without good sleep is more apt to be irritable, oversensitive, and emotional. Plus, as demonstrated by a UC Berkley study, lack of sleep can actually diminish your ability to accurately decipher smiles from scowls. The sleep-deprived participants were more likely to read friendly and neutral facial expressions as threatening or unfriendly.
  1. Your body needs it. From the time you were a baby, your body has depended on sleep to replenish cells, heal stressed muscles, maintain a healthy immune system, synthesize proteins, and balance hormones. Insufficient sleep can bring healthy body functioning to a screeching halt; or at the very least compromise it.
“A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.” It appears that there is some truth to this Irish proverb. Maintaining a healthy habit of regular sleep can pay off in impressive dividends in nearly all aspects of your life. Making regular appointments with your massage therapist can be an effective, all-natural way to improve sleep. Between increasing relaxation, promoting the release and production of sleep-inducing hormones, helping your body to feel better, and countless more benefits, massage may be what you need to live a more rested and healthy lifestyle.

How Does Massage Improve Sleep?

When you get a little stressed, or a little busy, or even have a little extra fun, what’s the first thing to get compromised? When life gets active, your sleep tends to go by the wayside. Too often we get a too ambitious at night, or want to get an early start on work in the morning, and bit by bit we chip away at our nightly allotment of sleep. And when you do actually allow yourself to crawl into bed, the little worries and nagging thoughts from your day take your closed eyes as their cue to march center-stage across your thoughts for hours, making sleep even more elusive. Then, tired the next day, we figure that we can simply compensate with extra coffee. 
This exhausting cycle of sleep deprivation can do more than just make you a little cranky. Being short on sleep can have a significant negative impact on nearly every aspect of your life. For example, did you know that those who suffer from insomnia are four times more likely to experience relationship problems? Lack of sleep can also impair your cognitive processes, make you more susceptible to heart problems, and can contribute to depression. Not to mention that, thanks to your immune system that takes a beating, poor sleep habits can make you more likely to get sick.
Enough of the bad news. The great news is that you have a simple, wonderful tool to help you battle sleep loss right at the touch of your finger. Simply calling your favorite Elements studio to set up regular massage appointments can do wonders for your poor quality of sleep.
Massage can be your sleep saver in a few different ways:
  • You know the worries that plague your mind every night? While massage might not be able to make your bills disappear or your work meeting to miraculously get cancelled, it can help decrease anxiety and depression levels, causing you to dwell on the little voices less, and the sweet dreams more. 
  • Massage promotes the release of serotonin, which is a hormone that is necessary for the production of melatonin, which is your body’s natural sleep-inducer. Serotonin is also a feel-good hormone, as are the other hormones released by massage; endorphins and dopamine. 
  • Don’t you hate it when a sore hip or tight back is prohibiting your sleep? Receiving regular massage can help ensure that your muscles, joints, and tendons are loose, flexible, and lengthened, leading to more comfortable nights . . . and days. 
  • Does your restless leg plague your nights? Massage might help. While researchers are generally unsure as to why this is, massage seems to help curb your Restless Leg Syndrome. Whether massage helps because it increases circulation, releases hormones, or loosens tightened muscles, it might be worth it for you to give massage a try to fight your RSL. 
If sleep eludes you, even once in a while, you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, your work, and your friends to take proactive steps to improve your quality of slumber. We bet you’ll be surprised at how much better you will feel once you start getting better, deeper, and longer periods of sleep. 

Mess Equals Stress - How to Declutter for Increased Peace of Mind

declutter your life
They say, "tidy house, tidy mind". If you spend your time in a cluttered space, chances are you have a cluttered mind.
But how can objects really effect your brain and why do we have clutter in the first place? No matter how tidy of a person you are, everyone has cluttered areas in their home. Maybe it's hidden away, but it's there - the basement, closets, garage etc. In this day and age, it is very common to collect things - even if we don't necessarily need these things. They end up piling up over time and unfortunately, they can influence your peace of mind.
Various studies have shown that a cluttered environment contributes to increased levels of cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone released by the adrenal glands. It's important for helping your body deal with stressful situations, as your brain triggers its release in response to many kinds of stress.
So how can you go about decluttering our space and increasing our peace of mind? Try these simple, practical solutions:
  • If the clutter is at home, work as a team to clean and reorganize. Most likely, the clutter involves a combination of everyone’s belongings. Try not to move to another space until the previous one is finished
  • When cleaning, create a space for items you want to keep, throw away, donate or recycle. Follow through and learn to let go of items you no longer need
  • Create a designated spot for all your items. Once you are finished with something, put it back right away in its rightful spot
  • Start small. Focus on cleaning out your kitchen cupboard. Don’t worry about your messy closet or your cluttered garage. Focus on one thing at a time and work on it until it’s achieved. Once finished, you can tackle the next task
  • Sometimes clutter doesn’t involve just physical items. You can have a cluttered desktop, cellphone etc. too! Remove files and other items that aren’t being used
  • Write down your to-do list instead of storing it in your brain. This way, you can create an action plan and tackle those things that are weighing heavily on your mind, first
  • Practice some form of meditation. This can help with increasing focus and motivation. Increase your level of insight regarding new habits and see how the mess can be avoided in the future
  • Take daily action instead of having a spring cleaning mindset. This way, you can ensure you will have a positive environment all year long

Friday, May 1, 2020

Love Yourself/Love Your Body

love yourself love your body
When you think of your own body, what is the first thought that comes to mind?
Was it an overly critical judgment of yourself and your body? If so, you’re not alone. Unless you’re one of the very few that are genetically blessed with society’s idea of perfection, chances are you probably exaggerate your flaws.  
I’m sure you can relate to the following scenario:
What happens when you look in the mirror? You’re getting out of the shower and drying off and you happen to catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. “Ugh, I look gross,” or, “I need to lose these love handles,” comes to mind. You stare with a critical eye at your reflection. You pinch your midsection and excessively examine every little crease and crevasse in your face. You rush to get dressed so you don’t have to look at or think about it anymore.
For most people, this is an all too real scenario. Regardless of what others think of us, what’s most important first and foremost, is how we feel about our own body. In order to truly feel good about yourself, your body, perfect or not, needs your support, love and care so that you can have a positive body image.
So how might you go about learning to love your body and feeling comfortable in your own skin?
  • Be nice! Your body needs to be loved and cared for. Next time you are standing naked in front of your mirror, choose one feature you love about yourself. Maybe you have great hair, or your eyes are to die for! Don’t walk away from any mirror without finding something positive about yourself. Your harsh thoughts about your body are just your own opinions and thoughts. It is not necessarily reality.
  • Stand tall (regardless of your height)! A good posture helps with body presentation. Anyone can have a stomach roll if you’re slouching. A great posture can affect how you look and carry yourself and thus, improve your attitude. Standing tall and proud exudes confidence!
  • Exercise. Be active! Physical activity helps increase endorphins. Endorphins are known as the feel-good chemicals in the brain. We are all aware that exercise can improve your appearance and keep you healthy, but exercise also benefits us mentally, emotionally and socially.
  • Focus on good nutrition. What you eat and don’t eat can have a huge impact on your mood. You might turn to chocolate and pasta when you’re feeling down, but the satisfaction from eating these foods is very short-lived. Focus on eating more protein, fruits and veggies and less of the simple-carbohydrates. Eat only when you’re hungry. A good diet can increase your energy levels and improve your mood!
  • Focus on the positive. If you see yourself as “unattractive” and “undesirable” when you look in the mirror, others will see you that way too. A positive attitude is attractive no matter how smart, physically appealing or in-shape you are. This can be hard at first, but it just takes practice!
Focusing on loving and taking care of your body can only improve your self-image and self-love. You should respect your body. Your body is along for the ride whether you like it or not. View it as a teammate. You’re in this together!