Monday, April 27, 2020

How often should you get a massage?


More than ever before, our lives are filled with chronic stress and body fatigue. From traffic and work stress to leading more sedentary lifestyles filled with excess screen time, we are feeling the effects. Self-care is critical to avoid more serious problems that arise from these body and mind stressors. Self-care rarely happens spontaneously. We must be intentional about taking care of ourselves and if we want to live our best lives, we need to put self-care activities into our regular schedules.
It is wise to put massage therapy into your regular wellness program. Just like exercise and eating a healthy diet, massage therapy will help us stay active and feel more energized.  Aside from forcing us to slow down, if only for an hour, massage helps to calm the nervous system, improves blood circulation, relieves muscle pain and can help with the side effects of conditions such as arthritis, sciatica, and muscle spasms.
But how often should you get a massage? The frequency of your massage therapy depends on a few factors: your physical and emotional needs and your stress levels. Getting a massage regularly will allow you to experience the most health benefits, but that’s not always the right choice for everyone. If you have injuries causing you pain, you would definitely want to consult with your physician to see what they recommend.  Just like exercising once does not build a foundation of fitness, nor does eating one healthy meal nourish our bodies, getting a massage one-time will not fix our aching bodies.  
A massage once a year will be relaxing but it can’t help to alleviate the pain from a year of muscle tension, poor posture, lack of exercise or stretching or daily stress-buildup. Ideally, if you want to keep your muscle tissue relaxed and in good shape, regular visits with a massage therapist is needed.
Talk to your massage therapist. A great massage therapist is a partner in your overall health and self-care plan. Discuss your goals, your fitness routine or one that you are planning on starting, and any injuries you have had in the past. Being open and honest with your massage therapist will allow her to help you determine how often you should be seen
You may want to schedule therapy more often during times of increased stress and pain associated with physical and mental conditions. If you know you have an increase in your daily stressors heading your way or you have an event such as a big move, a new job, or a wedding approaching, scheduling regular massages will help you stay ahead of the tension buildup.

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