Monday, January 4, 2021

Keeping Muscles Resilient During Winter Months


Humans may not hibernate during the winter, but the cold weather keeps many indoors. It can be tempting to refrain from normal activities and instead choose to cuddle in the warmth when it’s cold. Shorter days, longer nights, cold temperatures – this can all lead to less movement during the winter. Wake up your muscles by getting a massage.

Inactivity can quickly begin to affect your muscle strength and flexibility. Less movement can lead to stiffness and less mobility, making it more likely to sustain an injury when you start becoming more active. If you spend less time outdoors or completing your regular fitness routine during the winter, consider adding massage to your wellness plan. A relaxing, yet invigorating, massage can keep your muscles loose and supple during these months of lower activity.

Many studies have been completed on the flexibility benefits of massage. It has been proven time and time again that massage can improve flexibility, mobility and muscle recovery. A recent study at the De Anza College measured hamstring flexibility improvements with massage. This study was significant because it showed the impact of the hamstring on mobility – low flexibility in this large muscle group can dramatically affect performance, injury avoidance and basic mobility. There were significant improvements in the flexibility of participants with tight hamstring muscles with massage, and even more when massage was combined with eccentric exercise.

Benefits of Massage During the Winter Months

Flexibility isn’t the only reason to add massage to your winter regimen. Cold weather can impact your immune system and your resistance to the many illnesses that are in abundance during the winter. Massage has been linked to improved immune response, especially deep tissue massage. In one study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2012, participants that received Swedish massages once or twice a week both had improved levels of immune system biological markers, with higher levels in those with more frequent massage.

Another benefit from massage beyond improved flexibility and immunity is combatting the winter blues. Many people can become depressed during the winter. Massage therapy can release serotonin and endorphins to improve your mental state and give you an improved outlook when those winter blues take hold.

Warm Up with Massage Therapy

Don’t let winter keep you from staying healthy. If you can do one thing to improve your physical and mental health, shouldn’t you consider it? Massage therapy can keep your muscles supple and limber during these less-active months while bolstering your immune system and mood. Plus, it is an enjoyable experience that will get you out of the house and onto a warm, inviting massage table.

23 Fun Facts About Massage Therapy


  1. There are over 80 common massage modalities being used around the world.
  2. The sense of touch is the first sense to develop in humans and the last to diminish.
  3. The benefits of Massage Therapy span a person’s life-time from newborn to senior citizen.
  4. Massage Therapy stimulates the release of Endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers, which is why its so helpful in relieving pain.
  5. We each have approximately 5 million touch receptors in our skin which is the largest organ of the body.
  6. With Egyptian tomb paintings depicting people receiving Massage Therapy, it is believed that Massage was one of the oldest forms of medical care known to man.
  7. Massage positively affects the body and health conditions such as pain management, circulatory issues, stress reduction, injury rehabilitation, migraine control, and overall wellness.
  8. Massage Therapy facilitates weight gain in preterm infants.

  9. Pre-Natal Massage offers many health benefits to expectant mothers and their babies.
  10. Massage modalities can be very diverse. Some modalities require the client to undress while other modalities can be done on someone who is fully dressed.  Some modalities are performed on a massage table, others on a floor mat, and some from a Massage Chair. 
  11. Massage Therapy enhances attentiveness, focus, mental clarity, and emotional balance.
  12. Therapeutic Stretching can help prevent and speed healing of injuries to the muscles and soft tissues of the body.
  13. Specialized “Lymph Drainage Massage” improves the flow of lymph through the body, relieving aches, pains, and flu-like symptoms while boosting the body’s immunity.
  14. Massaging the top, middle, and bottom of the outer earlobes once per day, has been found to strengthen the immune system.
  15. Ear massage, like the one taught in Shiatsu, supports the immune function and combined with head massage, can relieve deeply held stress in the body.
  16. Massage Therapy reduces stress hormones such as cortisol by as much as 40% in 1 session.
  17. Massage Therapy can reduce heart rate and lower blood pressure reducing many risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
  18. Massage Therapy can lower anxiety, reduce pain, and improve grip strength for Arthritis sufferers.
  19. Prenatal massage increases circulation, promotes relaxation, prepares the muscles for childbirth, and enhances joint flexibility.

  20. CranioSacral Therapy is being used to speed healing and reduce headaches and other symptoms resulting from a traumatic head injury.
  21. Massage Therapy decreased the occurrence of headaches, sleep disturbances and distress symptoms such as indigestion and upset stomach.
  22. Massage increases serotonin levels that play an important role in the regulation of one’s mood, sleep, and appetite.
  23. A 60-minute massage offers the same benefits as 7-8 hours of sleep does for your body.

So there you go, there are 23 fun facts about massage! Hopefully one or two were new to you, and you have a better understanding of how important massage is.

Friday, January 1, 2021

The New Face of Today’s Geriatric Massage Clients


Baby boomers the giant generation are turning 65+ at the rate of 10,000 per day.  The growing senior  population can provide a steady, specialized client base for massage therapists whether you are just beginning your career or if you are interested in learning a new specialty for your successful practice.

Gone are the days of “the elderly”; we can no longer use that term to apply to everyone older than 65.  We now have seniors, elders, robust seniors and robust elders.  The 65-plus age group has become an amalgam of personalities and activity levels that rival those of Generation X.

This has created a new clientele for therapists and caregivers alike; stronger, more active elders, as well as older elders.  Massage Therapists interested in adding Geriatric Massage to their services must learn to accommodate clients who have undergone surgery, have accumulated a lifetime of injuries, can’t maneuver themselves onto a massage table and might be yearning for human touch.

Geriatric massage is not simply a lighter form of Swedish massage.  It involves specialized strokes and techniques designed for aging skin and muscles.  It is crucial for therapists interested in working with old clients to learn the basics of geriatric massage before practicing their craft with this diverse group of people.
As massage therapists, it is important not to lose sight of the power our hands can contribute to clients.  When working with the older generation, this is all the more true.

In fact, this can be one of the greatest rewards of working with older clients:  We can feed the souls of our elders who may be starved for caring, friendly touch.  Touch helps humans organize information and understand the world around us, and it is essential to human happiness.  Sometimes a reassuring touch is all one needs to feel better.

The specific characteristics that you should use when implementing Geriatric massage to your practice includes:

 A thorough intake form.  Be sure to inquire about physician care, medications and recent surgeries.  Also be aware a physician’s approval is sometimes necessary.

Shorten your sessions.  A geriatric massage session sometimes lasts no longer than 30 minutes, as a longer session may be too much for an elderly person.

Utilize special hands-on work.  The massage techniques used for middle-aged clients often prove inappropriate for older adults.

For example no long stripping strokes should be used on old clients, as the skin thins with age.

Fluffing is the proper technique to use, so as to not tear or bruise the skin.

 Always starting with the feet with all strokes moving upward toward the heart.

Do not use stretching techniques.

Massage therapy benefits seniors just as it does any massage client.  Including improved blood and lymph circulation; faster healing; pain relief; restored range of motion and flexibility; reduced anxiety, tension and stress; relief from depression; and enhanced immune function.
Additionally, geriatric massage offers specific benefits including:

Boosts Memory – repetitive touch can help the elderly, especially those with Alzheimer’s retain some body memory, which in turn might trigger the recall of other memories

Soothing for Alzheimer’s patients – Alzheimer’s Association recommends using massage to sooth an Alzheimer’s patient who has become irritated and aggressive.

Physiological gains – a 2004 research found changes in blood pressure, heart rate, hemoglobin values and respiratory rate in patients as a result of being touched by a nurse.

Better sleep, relief from arthritis and chronic pain , increased recovery time from surgeries, better circulation, lower blood pressure and relief from some symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

5 Way To Improve Mental Wellness By Massage


When we think of massages we think of pampering, but a visit to a massage therapist can be exactly what the doctor ordered. It has been proven that you can improve your mental wellness by massage. So what exactly is a massage and how can it benefit an individual who is too busy to breathe, let alone lay on a table for an hour?

According to the Mayo Clinic, a massage is a general term for pressing, rubbing and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Massage therapists typically use their hands and fingers for massage, but may also use their forearms, elbows and even feet. We accept and value massages for physical ailments, but we need to move to seeing massages as something that is beneficial for mental ailments as well. It’s a mind-body connection that energizes, and allows the receiver to feel cared for. In fact, it is suggested that massages treat a number of psychological issues: depression, attention-deficit hyperactivity, post-traumatic stress, and more.

As the mental health epidemic continues to grow throughout the country, people are turning seeking positive outcomes from total mind and body approaches such as massage therapy.  Through the power of touch, massage has evolved into an additional treatment option for mental health conditions by reducing cortisol and adrenaline, as well as increasing serotonin and dopamine to reduce anxiety depression.

According to this site, researchers from the University of Miami School of Medicine found that the therapy lowered levels of the stress hormone cortisol by up to 53 percent. Industry research such as this continues to point toward massage therapy as an effective approach to positively affecting the body’s biochemistry in order to treat mental health ailments such as anxiety and depression, as well as to complement traditional medical treatments.

You should consult with your physician if you are interested in massage therapy because certain physical ailments such as high blood pressure, poor circulation, easy bruising, and a host of other things can make a massage counterproductive. But, if there is a thumbs up to your physical health, it is highly recommended that you consider receiving massages on a regular basis for mental healing. There are many different massages–here, according to, are a few that are most popular:

1. Swedish Massage Therapy

This is the most common type of massage therapy in the United States. Massage therapists use long smooth strokes, kneading, and circular movements on superficial layers of muscle using massage lotion or oil. Swedish massage therapy can be very gentle and relaxing. If you’ve never had massage before, this is a good one to try first.

2. Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy massage is massage therapy with the addition of one or more scented plant oils called essential oils to address specific needs. The massage therapist can select oils that are relaxing, energizing, stress-reducing, balancing, etc. One of the most common essential oils used in aromatherapy massage is lavender. Aromatherapy massage is particularly suited to stress-related conditions or conditions with an emotional component.

3. Hot Stone Massage

Heated, smooth stones are placed on certain points on the body to warm and loosen tight muscles and balance energy centers in the body. The massage therapist may also hold stones and apply gentle pressure with them. The warmth is comforting. Hot stone massage is good for people who have muscle tension but prefer lighter massage.

4. Shiatsu

Shiatsu is a form of Japanese bodywork that uses localized finger pressure in a rhythmic sequence on acupuncture meridians. Each point is held for two to eight seconds to improve the flow of energy and help the body regain balance. People are normally pleasantly surprised when they try shiatsu for the first time. It is relaxing yet the pressure is firm, and there is usually no soreness afterwards.

5. Thai Massage

Like Shiatsu, Thai massage aligns the energies of the body using gentle pressure on specific points. Thai massage also includes compressions and stretches. You don’t just lie there-the therapist moves and stretches you into a sequence of postures. It’s like yoga without doing any work. Thai massage is more energizing than other forms of massage. It is also reduces stress and improves flexibility and range of motion.

Top 10 Benefits of Massage Therapy


Massage therapy is hands down one of the best things you can do for your health. As if laying down on a comfy table for an hour or more, as a skilled massage therapist kneads and rubs your whole body until it’s loose as a wet noodle wasn’t enough of a treat, you also receive a handful of health benefits by getting massages. From as early as 2700 B.C., massage was used by several ancient cultures to treat injuries and cure terminal conditions.  Massage was the preferred treatment for sports and war injuries. Massage therapy continues to hold its place as one of the most effective, safe and natural ways to treat mental and physical ailments, such as stress, pain, anxiety and depression. Here are its top 10 benefits of massage:

1. Pain Relief

One of the biggest reasons people get massages is to relieve pain. Whether it’s chronic pain from an illness or cramps from excessive exercising, massage therapy is the key to relieving pain the holistic, noninvasive way. Depending on your health, level of pain tolerance and exercise routine, there are various types of techniques to trigger certain tissues to relieve various aches and pains. Massages provide pain relief through applied pressure, muscle relaxation and increased circulation. With regular massage therapy sessions muscle cramps and spasms, stiffness and body aches are either reduced or prevent altogether. 

2. Stress Relief

Stress affects everyone in one way or another, but if you’re like one of the millions of people who deal with it every day, you’ve got to manage it. One of the best ways to relieve stress and keep stress-hormone levels in control is to get regular massages.  Immersed in serene relaxation, a full body massage has been known to bring your body and mind in a sleep state, allowing you to get a much needed power nap. Massage therapy also raises the body’s production and release of endorphins. These are stress and pain preventing hormones that enhance mood and boost immunity. Reducing your stress levels will do wonders for your current mental and physical health, while preventing potential diseases or stress-related conditions.

3. Increases Circulation

Get your blood flowing and stimulate the lymphatic systems through regular massage therapy. While the massage therapist applies pressure, stimulates muscles and relieves pain, your circulatory system is hard at work pumping oxygen and nutrients into tissues and organs. Increased circulation improves blood flow, removes waste away from muscles and internal organs, lowers blood pressure and improves overall body function. 

4. Boosts Immunity

A strong immune system will help you fend off colds and fight infections fast. Unfortunately, poor nutrition, lack of sleep and stress have weakened our immune systems, making us more susceptible to illness. A tried-and-true way to boost your immunity is through massage. Massage therapy can increase your body’s natural ability to protect itself and keep you healthy when others are sick. Certain massages and techniques will improve the flow of lymph, a bodily fluid that fights infection and disease, as well as remove excess lymph through manual drainage.

5.Improves Posture and Flexibility

Regular massage therapy can do wonders for your posture and flexibility. Massage therapy loosens and relaxes muscles, which relieves pressure points and gives joints a greater range of motion. Once pressure points are relieved, the body can position itself properly and develop a natural posture that doesn’t cause pain.

6. Lowers Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a serious condition that could lead to heart attacks, kidney failures or strokes. There are several factors that cause high blood pressure, including stress, anxiety and anger as major contributors. One way to combat high blood pressure and prevent such conditions is through massage. Regular massages have been found to lower blood pressure, by reducing the stress-hormone levels that can cause onset depression, anxiety and anger. Being pain-and stress-free will greatly affect your blood pressure and allow you to relax your mind.

7. Relaxes Muscles and Mind

Considering the amount of stressors surrounding us every day, it’s sometimes impossible to allow our minds and bodies to relax and release. Massage therapy is one of the easiest ways to achieve this because it activates the body’s parasympathetic nervous  system that controls its ability to feel good. Massage therapy loosens and relaxes tense, overworked muscles by breaking up adhesions that cause discomfort. In addition to relaxing your body, massage therapy also calms a racing mind.

8. Rehabilitates Injuries

Physical therapy, occupational therapy and other forms of rehabilitation are important to the healing and recovery of injuries, but it doesn’t totally prevent experiencing pain or additional injuries. This is where massage therapy fits in as a supplement to standard rehab. Massage therapy will help increase circulation, relax muscles, increase flexibility and posture and reduce recovery time, while easing stress that may be intensified from painful injuries.

9. Flushes Bodily Toxins

Massage therapy plays an important role in clearing toxins from your body. Regular massages can flush out lactic acid build-up in muscles, promote sinus drainage, loosen mucus in the lungs and break up scar tissue. Flushing out toxins and clearing the normal byproducts of muscle metabolism can result in reduced fatigue, improved stamina and accelerated healing of muscle tears or injuries.

10. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Massage can help regulate blood sugar levels of those with or without diabetes. Through various techniques and modalities, blood sugar levels are reduced to allow for greater mobility and elasticity in the body. In addition to regulated blood sugar levels, massage therapy also reduces anxiety and depression in children with diabetes.

There you go! Those are the Top 10 Benefits of Massage! We hope a massage is in your near future!