Monday, January 4, 2021

23 Fun Facts About Massage Therapy


  1. There are over 80 common massage modalities being used around the world.
  2. The sense of touch is the first sense to develop in humans and the last to diminish.
  3. The benefits of Massage Therapy span a person’s life-time from newborn to senior citizen.
  4. Massage Therapy stimulates the release of Endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers, which is why its so helpful in relieving pain.
  5. We each have approximately 5 million touch receptors in our skin which is the largest organ of the body.
  6. With Egyptian tomb paintings depicting people receiving Massage Therapy, it is believed that Massage was one of the oldest forms of medical care known to man.
  7. Massage positively affects the body and health conditions such as pain management, circulatory issues, stress reduction, injury rehabilitation, migraine control, and overall wellness.
  8. Massage Therapy facilitates weight gain in preterm infants.

  9. Pre-Natal Massage offers many health benefits to expectant mothers and their babies.
  10. Massage modalities can be very diverse. Some modalities require the client to undress while other modalities can be done on someone who is fully dressed.  Some modalities are performed on a massage table, others on a floor mat, and some from a Massage Chair. 
  11. Massage Therapy enhances attentiveness, focus, mental clarity, and emotional balance.
  12. Therapeutic Stretching can help prevent and speed healing of injuries to the muscles and soft tissues of the body.
  13. Specialized “Lymph Drainage Massage” improves the flow of lymph through the body, relieving aches, pains, and flu-like symptoms while boosting the body’s immunity.
  14. Massaging the top, middle, and bottom of the outer earlobes once per day, has been found to strengthen the immune system.
  15. Ear massage, like the one taught in Shiatsu, supports the immune function and combined with head massage, can relieve deeply held stress in the body.
  16. Massage Therapy reduces stress hormones such as cortisol by as much as 40% in 1 session.
  17. Massage Therapy can reduce heart rate and lower blood pressure reducing many risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
  18. Massage Therapy can lower anxiety, reduce pain, and improve grip strength for Arthritis sufferers.
  19. Prenatal massage increases circulation, promotes relaxation, prepares the muscles for childbirth, and enhances joint flexibility.

  20. CranioSacral Therapy is being used to speed healing and reduce headaches and other symptoms resulting from a traumatic head injury.
  21. Massage Therapy decreased the occurrence of headaches, sleep disturbances and distress symptoms such as indigestion and upset stomach.
  22. Massage increases serotonin levels that play an important role in the regulation of one’s mood, sleep, and appetite.
  23. A 60-minute massage offers the same benefits as 7-8 hours of sleep does for your body.

So there you go, there are 23 fun facts about massage! Hopefully one or two were new to you, and you have a better understanding of how important massage is.

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