Monday, March 15, 2021

Got A Headache? Try Trigger Point Massage


A Trigger Point is a hypersensitive spot in a muscle that when stimulated, produces pain that is referred in a predictable pattern usually away from the Trigger Point.

Trigger Point is often used when a client has been in an accident –automobile, fall, stress strain from lifting and many others.  Trigger Point is used to treat other kinds of headaches as well-migraines, cluster.
When the injury is still acute, muscles have not had time to develop patterns of bracing and splinting, which can lead to postural distortions the body uses to “accommodate”, or “mask” pain.

Inactivating Trigger Points in the trapezius muscle may relieve headaches in a short amount of treatments.  Trigger Point sessions may include a specific at home exercise program.  The combination of the two can speed up healing time to become free of pain.

Migraine headaches often start during the teen years and people suffer for years with them.  Trigger point has been shown to be effective in reducing and in some cases completely eliminating the pain without medication.

Sometimes headaches can be caused by problems in the neck.  If the sternocleidomastoid ( you can feel this when you turn your head to the left or right, it is the muscle running vertically from the front up the neck up into the head).  Some of the symptoms of problems in the neck affecting the head can be trigger points could be tearing of the eyes, runny nose, nausea, dizziness, loss of balance, and blurring and dimming vision, similar to migraine headaches.

Sometimes our jobs and our body positioning  or inappropriate head positioning, such as working at a desk with the head turned to one side and projected forward to see documents or a computer monitor can activate pain in the neck and head. 

In addition, falling asleep with the head and neck bent in a crooked position, as with the head on the armrest of a sofa or sleeping on an airplane can activate Trigger Points.

Treatment also includes identifying and eliminating perpetuating factors such as reviewing correct posture, workstation ergonomics, sleeping positions and body mechanics.  Modifications are made when necessary.  Sometimes, relieving head pain can be as simple as teaching someone how to properly adjust their car seat.

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