Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Summer Massage Therapy Benefits


Summer means longer days and longer days normally mean more outside activity. From yard work to outdoor sports and just plain splashing around in the swimming pool, most of us are considerably more active when the temperatures begin to rise.

And while it’s no secret Massage Therapy is excellent for relieving stress and soothing sore muscles, it also provides a wide array of additional health benefits designed to help you feel your best during the dog days of summer.

Massage Therapy to Relieve and Reduce Swelling

In many parts of the United States and Canada, summer means heat and humidity, and heat and humidity can cause swelling and edema, as well as make you feel lethargic and less energized. Massage Therapy is an excellent method to relieve and reduce this swelling by increasing the flow through your lymph nodes, making you feel more energized, eliminating toxins and dead cells, and even increasing your body’s ability to fight infections.

Massage Therapy for Outdoor Summer Sports and Activities

Summer is always a great time to go outside and get moving. And after a long, chilly winter, this marks for many individuals the first time they’ve been active in several months, leading to tired, sore muscles. Whether it’s your regular evening walk in the park, bike ride, Saturday golf game or morning run, Massage Therapy is not only a perfect way to reduce muscle inflammation and relieve pain, but also keeps you flexible and ready to take on your summer activities with gusto.

Massage Therapy for Yard Work

Nothing says summer like a well-manicured yard and pool, but anyone who maintains their own lawn and swimming pool knows it’s not exactly a summer breeze – it’s a workout on its own. Mowing the lawn, pulling those dreaded weeds and cleaning the pool become a regular chore in the summer months, and can lead to neck, shoulder, and lower back pain. Massage Therapy can help alleviate this pain, promoting cell recovery and reducing inflammation. Be the king or queen of your castle and reign the pain with a Massage Therapy session specifically designed to reign your yard work pain.

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