Saturday, January 29, 2022

10 Healthy Ways to Show Yourself Love This Valentine’s Day


With Valentine’s Day on the way, many of us are looking for fun ways to shower our loved ones with affection, but is there someone who keeps slipping off your lists? Yes! Yourself!

This year, we invite you to join us in adding self-love to the list of loves we celebrate this Valentine’s Day. To make it extra easy, we’re giving you ten healthy and beautiful ways to express your love, and affection, for yourself!

1. Regular massage

Showing yourselves some love means putting your body, mind, and feeling at the top of your priority list, giving yourselves the support you deserve.

Science supports what your body knows: massage therapy comes with big benefits, such as:

  • Reducing stress and increasing relaxation

  • Reducing pain and muscle soreness and tension

  • Improving circulation, energy and alertness

  • Lowering heart rate and blood pressure

  • Improving immune function

In addition to acknowledging the benefits of massage therapy for specific physical and medical conditions, they conclude, "some people enjoy massage because it often produces feelings of caring, comfort, and connection." Isn’t that what Valentine’s Day is all about? 

2. Practice gratitude

At its heart, Valentine’s Day is about showing gratitude to, and for, the people you love. Including yourself on this list is a great way to grow gratitude in your own life. Gratitude practices like writing thank you notes, keeping a gratitude journal, and taking note of reasons to be grateful during the day can help give you the attitude of gratitude, and all the benefits that come with it. Positive Psychology sites mental, physical, and emotional strength in addition to improved sleep and resilience as gifts of practicing gratitude.

3. Eat well

Champagne and chocolates are traditional Valentine’s Day treats, but they might not be the gifts your body appreciates most. Why not treat yourself to a beautiful, healthy treat instead?

  • Indulge in beautifully arranged fresh fruit

  • Add edible flowers to your salad or rice bowl

  • Make tea with rose petals

  • Use a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut fruit or vegetables and make your favorite recipes more lovely

  • Take yourself to a restaurant that specializes in healthy cuisine

4. Have fun

Gifts don’t have to be complicated or expensive; they can just be fun! Treat yourself to some good soul-filling fun, even if it’s as simple as reading a book or getting your groove on to your favorite song. If you have a long list of things you would like to do, jot them down in your planner and refer to them when you have a few extra minutes.

5. Make time for yourself

You make time for the people you love, so include yourself on this list! Sit down with your planner (or Google Calendar®) and block out a time that’s for you and you only! Commit to keeping this time free no matter what. It can give you the chance to rest, recharge and even have some fun. Lifehack’s list of ways to make time for yourself includes buying tickets (in advance) to events you’d enjoy, joining a group, taking an adult education class, exercising and walking, or taking public transportation to work. We’d like to add our favorite, getting massages, to this list of ways to get some “me time”.

6. Sing in the car

Kristin Fuller, a physician recently interviewed by Huffington Post, applauds the benefits of singing in the car by explaining that it releases dopamine and can improve your mood and reduce your road rage. “Dopamine boosts your motivation and drive,” she says. “Turning up the music and singing as loud as humanly possible can improve the situation and make individuals happier when they arrive home or walk into work, which creates more positive environments around them for others.”

Want to try this for yourself? Add a playlist to your phone and crank it the next time you’re in traffic. (Bonus points if it embarrasses your kids.)

7. Engage in Community

Give yourself the gift of community, especially if you’ve felt disconnected in recent years. Volunteering for a cause you believe in, joining a choir, running with a group, or coaching a team can be great ways to find your people.

Look for classes, events, and groups in your area. That way you’ll have the option to connect in real life, as well as online. In addition to the joy of spending time with new people, you may find yourself adding to your support system. Both are important to your health and happiness, as well as the health of your community, city, and ultimately our world!

Need a little extra nudge to get out there and get going? Jump in with a friend. It’ll be double the fun!

8. Surprise someone

Sometimes the best way to make yourself happy is to make someone else happy! Think about the people in your life who might be without a valentine this Valentine’s Day. Send them flowers, invite them to join you for a walk or meet up for dinner. You’ll have the fun of getting together with them and the joy of knowing you brightened someone else’s day.

Love the feeling? Make it a regular thing. Get together with this person more often, or make it a habit to reach out to new people on the regular. Programs like Meals on Wheels and Big Brother, Big Sister make it possible to take this a step further and are great ways to make significant differences in both your life and someone else’s life.

9. Create a ritual or routine

Is there something satisfying you can add to your daily routine? Give yourself the gift of adding it to your day. If you’re adding a beautiful cup of tea to your afternoon routine, indulge in a new mug and teapot. If you’re adding morning yoga, consider a new mat or workout clothes. If you’re adding reading to your mornings, consider a subscription to a publication you believe in.

Also, consider the option of adding a ritual and not buying anything. Living (mindfully) with less can be a gift that keeps giving!

10. Sleep

The best thing you can do for yourself on Valentine’s Day may be nothing at all! Put on your jammies, dim the lights, and get yourself some quality sleep! It’s an absolute necessity that feels like a luxury and can do you a world of good!

According to the Sleep Foundation, half of all Americans report feeling sleepy during the day on most days. In fact, 35.2% of all adults in the U.S. report sleeping less than seven hours per night on average! Be the exception to this rule. Commit to 7 or more hours of sleep a night and be on the lookout for benefits like happiness, effectiveness, increase in physical and emotional wellness, and maybe even a boosted immune system.

For a good night’s sleep the CDC recommends:

  • Be consistent with bedtimes and waking times

  • Keep your bedroom quiet, dark, relaxing, and at a comfortable temperature

  • Ban electronic devices (TVs, computers, and phones) from the bedroom

  • Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, smoking, and alcohol before bed

  • Keep physically active during the day!

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we recommend comfy pajamas that make you feel attractive, aromatherapy, and winding down with self-care options like a facial, meditation, or a comforting read.

Healthy Habits You Can Add (Easily!) to Your Routine

Here are 20 healthy habits to get you started. Pick one or two at a time and add them to your routine. When they become automatic, add another habit or two. The changes may feel small when you make them, but over time they can add up to a lifestyle overhaul that benefits your body, mind, spirit, and probably your productivity and happiness as well!

  1. Wake up early. Research shows the early bird gets the worm.

  2. Eat breakfast. It kickstarts your metabolism so you burn more calories throughout the day.

  3. Kiss your partner, kids, or puppy goodbye before you leave for the day.

  4. Spend time having the attitude of gratitude.

  5. Pick one yoga pose to incorporate each week. It can help you stay centered, flexible, and is a great way to move your body.

  6. Take a 30-minute nap, it could make you feel more alert and perform better.

  7. When making your “to do” list for work, save the easy stuff for last. You’ll get more done during the day!

  8. Drink water. It helps support healthy organ and tissue function, reduction in caloric intake, and can give your skin a great glow!

  9. Make it a habit to stretch at the same time every afternoon. It’s great for your mobility and energy level.

  10. Schedule self-care, like monthly massages! They benefit your body, mind and emotional wellness.

  11. Skip afternoon coffee and opt for tea instead! It’s better for your body and your energy level!

  12. Take time to get outside, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Studies show this habit packs a surprisingly powerful physical, mental, and spiritual punch!

  13. If you’re working from home, or your office has a gym, take an afternoon shower. It can be a relaxing moment of quiet to refresh, relax and reset!

  14. Say goodbye to colleagues before leaving or logging off for the night. It helps build stronger relationships and transition from your work life to your personal life.

  15. Recap your day. Whether you use a planner, a journal, or a talk with someone you love, checking in can help you set worries aside for the night and plan for the next day.

  16. Read for at least 30 minutes. It can help lower your stress level and improve your memory!

  17. Take a hot bath at least two hours before bed. Research shows it can improve your sleep.

  18. Step away from your screens at least 20 minutes before bed. You’ll sleep better!

  19. Meditate. This can be as simple as listening to a guided meditation or taking a moment to sit still and clear your mind. 

  20. Keep bed for sleep only! If you have trouble sleeping, bringing your hobbies, work, and reading into bed will only distract you.

For many of us choosing a new habit is easy, it’s keeping it that becomes tricky. To help you keep your new habits, we suggest building accountability into your routine by tracking your new habits in a planner, sharing your goal with a friend, or using a wearable fitness tracker to jog your memory if you forget. And if you do forget, all is not lost. Forgive yourself and take care of it when you remember or set an alarm so you’ll remember the next day. It takes time, but common wisdom tells us that repeating a habit for 30 days or more helps make it automatic. When that happens, get ready to add a new healthy habit!

8 Hip Mobility Stretches


Are you working with tight hips, these stretches help encourage mobility.