Saturday, January 29, 2022

Healthy Habits You Can Add (Easily!) to Your Routine

Here are 20 healthy habits to get you started. Pick one or two at a time and add them to your routine. When they become automatic, add another habit or two. The changes may feel small when you make them, but over time they can add up to a lifestyle overhaul that benefits your body, mind, spirit, and probably your productivity and happiness as well!

  1. Wake up early. Research shows the early bird gets the worm.

  2. Eat breakfast. It kickstarts your metabolism so you burn more calories throughout the day.

  3. Kiss your partner, kids, or puppy goodbye before you leave for the day.

  4. Spend time having the attitude of gratitude.

  5. Pick one yoga pose to incorporate each week. It can help you stay centered, flexible, and is a great way to move your body.

  6. Take a 30-minute nap, it could make you feel more alert and perform better.

  7. When making your “to do” list for work, save the easy stuff for last. You’ll get more done during the day!

  8. Drink water. It helps support healthy organ and tissue function, reduction in caloric intake, and can give your skin a great glow!

  9. Make it a habit to stretch at the same time every afternoon. It’s great for your mobility and energy level.

  10. Schedule self-care, like monthly massages! They benefit your body, mind and emotional wellness.

  11. Skip afternoon coffee and opt for tea instead! It’s better for your body and your energy level!

  12. Take time to get outside, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Studies show this habit packs a surprisingly powerful physical, mental, and spiritual punch!

  13. If you’re working from home, or your office has a gym, take an afternoon shower. It can be a relaxing moment of quiet to refresh, relax and reset!

  14. Say goodbye to colleagues before leaving or logging off for the night. It helps build stronger relationships and transition from your work life to your personal life.

  15. Recap your day. Whether you use a planner, a journal, or a talk with someone you love, checking in can help you set worries aside for the night and plan for the next day.

  16. Read for at least 30 minutes. It can help lower your stress level and improve your memory!

  17. Take a hot bath at least two hours before bed. Research shows it can improve your sleep.

  18. Step away from your screens at least 20 minutes before bed. You’ll sleep better!

  19. Meditate. This can be as simple as listening to a guided meditation or taking a moment to sit still and clear your mind. 

  20. Keep bed for sleep only! If you have trouble sleeping, bringing your hobbies, work, and reading into bed will only distract you.

For many of us choosing a new habit is easy, it’s keeping it that becomes tricky. To help you keep your new habits, we suggest building accountability into your routine by tracking your new habits in a planner, sharing your goal with a friend, or using a wearable fitness tracker to jog your memory if you forget. And if you do forget, all is not lost. Forgive yourself and take care of it when you remember or set an alarm so you’ll remember the next day. It takes time, but common wisdom tells us that repeating a habit for 30 days or more helps make it automatic. When that happens, get ready to add a new healthy habit!

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